Off-Roading Introduction:  101 Course Recovery Course: Level 1 Private Training Corporate & Government Recovery Services
Off-Roading Introduction: 101 Course
Learn the basics needed for work or recreational off-roading.
Recovery Course: Level 1
Get Certified in basic recovery techniques, and gain proficiency with common recovery equipment.
Private Training
Interested in private groups or one-on-one training?
Corporate & Government
Improve your Health & Safety culture at the work place. Reduce injuries & employee down time, and reduce costs to damaged vehicles & equipment.
Recovery Services
When regular tow trucks can’t reach you, or turn you down…we’ll pull you out.

Over the last several years the off-roading community has dramatically grown as more people discover the joys of exploring nature with their off-road vehicle. There has also been a huge increase in Overlanders who are broadening their horizons with long distance exploration with their tricked out 4×4’s, and 4WD Camper Vans or trucks.

We’ve also seen an increased need for off-roading skills in several industries including mining & exploration, forestry, fishery, and policing.

With such a growing number of drivers finding themselves off the beaten path, we’ve also seen a huge increase in these drivers getting stuck, or incurring damage to their vehicles, as well as damaging the environment due to their lack of experience and knowledge. This lack of experience, knowledge, and skill can not only lead to mechanical, or environmental damage, but it can also lead to injuries or death.

Our goal is to help drivers explore the trails, or un-maintained roads, in a safe and responsible manner, while providing them with knowledge, skills, and confidence.

I completed the recovery level 1 course and as a nervous new Jeeper it was unexpectedly the most enjoyable experience!

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[email protected]


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