Spring Clean-Up and Recon

Now that the trails are officially open, it’s time for volunteers to hit the trails, and start the clean-up process. Each Spring the trails need to be cleared of debris, fallen trees, over grown brush, etc that occurs every winter.

So to ensure that the trails are usable by all the trail users, many of the off-roading clubs, and organizations pool their resources, and head into the trails with chainsaws, garbage bags, and utility trailers to clear the trails of whatever may make the trails impassable, or may cause damage to vehicles.

The Get A Grip team went in also, and over two days, helped to open up seven trails, covering 100km. Our chainsaws and handsaws got a serious workout as we cleared brush, branches, and fallen trees that blocked, partially blocked, or posed a hazard to vehicles.

With the right tools, and some serious determination, it’s surprising what just one or two people can get done. I’d be lying though if I said I wasn’t hurting Monday morning.

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