The season hasn’t even started and already we’re off to a great start. In partnership with Trillium Off-Road Recovery and the Minden Off-Road Park (MORP), we all proudly hosted March Minden Madness weekend at MORP. From March 15-17, hundreds of off-roaders in a wide range of machines, from trucks, to Jeeps, to ATV’s, and Side by Sides, all swarmed the park for a weekend of laughs around campfires, chili cook-offs, raffles, getting dirty, and great camaraderie. The weather wasn’t always ideal, and it was pretty cold overnight for those of us who were camping, but we barely noticed the conditions. In fact, it added to the experience.
We offered up a seat to the Recovery Course that we were hosting on the Sunday to be included in the weekend raffles, which helped raise money for the Trillium Off-Road Recovery group which is a not-for-profit organization that we are proudly partnered with.

The Sunday was an especially important day for us as we also hosted our first Recovery Level 1 course of the year. To say it was a huge success would be a huge understatement.
Around noon we took a break for lunch but that was a bit of a bust since the entire town had no power to provide any food. Fortunately we still had some muffins left over from an earlier trip to Tim Hortons prior to the grid failure.
We started off with the classroom component at the Dominion Hotel, and although we had to cope with a county-wide power failure, we got through it without serious interruption as everyone huddled around the laptop which was fortunately fully charged.
After regrouping, we rendezvoused at the off-road park and got to work with our various recovery exercises that we drilled the students on. Not only did everyone love the experience, but boy did they learn a lot…not only from the classroom, but also from the hands-on exercises.

It’s important to note that we only hand out certificates to those who pass the course by demonstrating that they have a solid grasp of several recovery concepts, and can safely apply them.
When it comes to our Recovery Courses…we don’t hand out “participation awards”. If you want your certification, you have to earn it.
Our next course will be Off-Roading 101 on May 25th. If you’re new to off-roading hobby, or need the skills for your work, this is the course for you. Be sure to sign up soon before spaces are gone.